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Foam concrete in PBG 40 modification, due to its unique capability to level out any uneven subbase, found its application also in laying floors of MIRAGE SHOPPING CENTER in Žilina. PBG 40 was used as a layer for levelling uneven steel-concrete ceiling slabs, and then 50 mm thick self-levelling cement screed, Cemflow 20, was placed.

The purpose of self-levelling PBG 40 application was to prepare a plane, as inexpensively as possible, for screed placement and thus ensure its constant thickness on the whole surface. Constant screed thickness helped to minimize the cost per m2 on the entire floor and also reduce appearance of incontrollable cracks in the screed, which was placed on extremely large surfaces in this construction.
Hastav Žilina s.r.o.
Total area of PBG 40 applied floors:
18 591 m2
Total volume of PBG 40:
233 m3
It is remarkable that PBG 40 was produced by MS 1000 machine using cement slurry which was supplied from nearby concrete mixing plant on mixer trucks. Such organization minimizes requirements for building site area and also contributes to reducing PBG 40 production costs.
Photos of placement can be seen here.


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